Dr. med Farideh Huppertz
Specialist in psychotherapeutic medicine, independent practice until 2014 in a psychiatric-psychotherapeutic practice group, depth psychology-based therapy, curriculum “Creative media in psychotherapy” at the Fritz-Perls-Institut Hückeswagen, hypnotherapy according to Milton Erickson, dialectical-behavioral therapy according to M. Linehan, Course instructor at AG Mindfulness.
The image of man and the values that Prof. Nossrat Peseschkian implemented in the psychotherapeutic area have been familiar to me since childhood. Having grown up in a bicultural home, I was later able to experience the opportunities and challenges of diversity, diversity and cohesion as a mother in a so-called patchwork family.
Questions of meaning, way of life, relationship to the world and fellow human beings are dimensions which, in addition to dealing with internal psychological conflicts or injuries, also deserve space. Resource orientation and broadening your view beyond problems also enable change and growth. Prof. Peseschkian showed us in an original way that the path to us through stories and metaphors can be appealing and touching.